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  • New Arrival – Cafe Lunettes

    The Cafe lines of women’s eyeglass frames are elegant, contemporary, and lightweight. The lines feature modern materials and manufacture techniques coupled with hints of classic women’s styling. The effect is fresh and elegant. #mainstreetoptometry #cafe #cafeframes #cafeglasses #cafelunettes #cafelunettesframes #cafelunettesglasses

    Continue Reading May 10, 2022

  • New Arrival – Maui Jim

    Maui Jim got its start in 1980 as a small company selling sunglasses on the beach in Lahaina, Hawaii. Seeing a need in the market for technology that could combat intense glare and harmful UV while bringing the brilliant colors of the island to life. In 2017, Maui Jim introduced their optical collection: a new […]

    Continue Reading May 5, 2022

  • New Arrival – Cool Clips

    Cool Clip is an eyewear collection of stylish magnetic eyewear designed for the price conscious consumer and offers polarized magnetic clip-on technology in a wider range of price points. Available in womens, mens, kids and unisex styles with polarized magnetic clip-on included. #mainstreetoptometry #coolclips #frames #glasses #tech

    Continue Reading April 24, 2022

  • New Arrival – Port Royale Collection

    The Port Royale Collection features premium quality eyewear with classic, enduring styles for women in both metal and zyl. #mainstreetoptometry#portroyalecollection#portroyalecollectionframes #portroyalecollectionglasses#frames#glasses

    Continue Reading February 8, 2022

  • New Arrival – kensie

    kensie is a world of trends with a feminine, yet raw spin and a dose of playful positive charisma. Clothes are inspired by the runway, what’s hot and fashion trends a modern girl really wants. It’s all about dressing the emotion of the moment. kensie eyewear is inspired by kensie clothes and accessories while playing […]

    Continue Reading February 3, 2022

  • New Arrival – Haggar

    For generations, Haggar has been an industry innovator in style and comfort and synonymous for high standards of quality and performance. These elements were the starting point in developing the Haggar Eyewear collections. The 200 and 500 Series are tailored yet casual utilizing pattern and texture as key design elements while the ACTIVE Series was […]

    Continue Reading December 9, 2021

  • New Arrival – Dragon

    DRAGON continues to not only disrupt the status quo, but move with the current of more environmentally- conscious products and practices. The eco-friendly, ethically-sourced PLANT-BASED RESIN collection is made from sustainably grown castor beans, a cleaner, gentler alternative to traditional petroleum-based products. #mainstreetoptometry#dragon#dragonframes#dragonglasses#frames#glasses

    Continue Reading December 4, 2021

  • Safety Measures

    ATTENTION Mask Everyone age 2 and older MUST wear a mask upon entering the office. 6 ft Please maintain a social distance of 6 ft between you and other patients. Fever Anyone with a temperature of 100.5°F or higher, will be sent home and rescheduled. Not Well Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, […]

    Continue Reading May 15, 2020

  • Envisioning a greater future: One contact lens at a time.

    We all try to be good stewards of the earth. We go out of our way to recycle paper, glass, plastic. Many of us even compost. But what about daily disposable contact lenses? We wear them once then toss them. Good for our eyes, not so good for the planet. Here’s some good news that […]

    Continue Reading November 27, 2017