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Health care plans offer flexible spending to meet eye care needs

Dexter, MI  – December 8,  2014 – More and more employers are offering their employees the option of directing their health care spending with flexible spending account plans (FSA) through “cafeteria” benefit plans. And savvy plan participants are directing that spending towards eye care, according to Dr. Renee Laliberte.


“Most participants know they can use their plan dollars for eye examinations, eyeglasses, and contact lenses,” Dr. Laliberte said. “But there are many more ways to apply those dollars towards eye care.”

 Health care plans offer flexible spending to meet eye care needs

Main Street Optometry Optometrist Renee Laliberte


For example, plan participants can use their accounts to pay for prescription medications for eye conditions such as dry-eye syndrome and glaucoma, even for laser vision surgery. Dr. Laliberte added that these plans may also be used to extend the benefits of a patient’s vision plan.


“A patient who is covered by a separate vision plan can use flex dollars for the co-payment on a covered eye health examination,” Dr Laliberte said. “Or if their vision plan provides one pair of eyeglasses, the patient can use plan dollars to pay for computer glasses, driving glasses, or prescription sunglasses.”


Some plans have a deadline by which the employee must use the dollars in their account or forfeit them. Contact lens patients who face such a deadline may consider purchasing an annual supply of lenses with their remaining plan dollars, Dr. Laliberte added.


Dr. Laliberte is the owner and practitioner of Main Street Optometry located at 8089 Main Street in Dexter and at 1245 E Main Street in Pinckney and is a member of Vision Source.


Founded in 1991, Vision Source® is North America’s largest network of private practice optometrists. With more than 2,800 offices and 5,300 members in the United States and Canada, Vision Source consists of the most influential experts in the eye care industry. For more information, call 888-558-2020 or visit